
Invincible Summer

Invincible Summer

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“In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer.

And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger – something better, pushing right back.”

Albert Camus

For Gin, who taught me the Blessings of life.


Blood Moon

Blood MoonThe earths shadow
drifting in waves
the luna in umbra
I am the Blood Moon

© djmrakiey / All rights reserved

A lunar tedrad – four total lunar eclipses in a row – began on the night of April 14 – 15.

The next Total lunar eclipse:
Total lunar eclipse: April 4
Total lunar eclipse: September 28



Dearest child of mine

Dearest child of mine

I have this little angel who left her wings to be with me.

Her smiles brighten my days.

Tiny hand in mine, I saw rainbows through the rain

 It is the soft voice of sacred trust.

Of all the sweet little things she shared

 It’s her childish scribbles on the ground,

  I ♥ Mom ~ Dad,

  So precious, I am moved.

Dearest child of mine

You are my little angel who left her wings to be with me.

© 2012 djmrakiey


You are special

Gin & Daniel, CA visit

Gin & Daniel, CA visit

You are special

I want you to know.

Your smiling face

forever in my heart.

You embraced and defied all odds.

Against the unrelenting heat of the rising sun,

a pattern of melting blues rest behind your steps.

Amazingly, you’ve turned  this test into an art.

And soar above the clouds of eternal spring.

Reflecting on the tranquil beauty of your courage.

Let me say, You are not alone.

Take my hand and together we will

run through the hail of storms.

For my sis

© 2012 djmrakiey