
Rainbow Bridge

Rainbow Bridge

Rainbow bridge

The twists and turns in your path

lead to unexpected destinations.

Both long and short roads

are sometimes curved

and sometimes straight.

As you cross a bridge

remain flexible and continue the journey.

Enjoy and learn from the adventure

as you walk the Rainbow bridge.

© djmrakiey 2013 / All rights reserved

More “Bridges” HERE

21 thoughts on “Rainbow Bridge

  1. Dj, I’m not quite certain that the next post won’t be more grand than the last. This blog is rapidly becoming my favorite place to sit and think and rest. Somehow, you manage to create such a quiet and peaceful ambiance here among the beautiful photographs and the hopeful words. Thank you.


    1. The pleasure is mine too, Your thoughtful insights made appreciate the “little joyful moments” shared with friends like you. Have a wonderful Wednesday George !


      1. As you are too DJM and I always appreciate them so much. Have fun this week too my friend. 😀


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